Fort Ord Alumni 1972

So, I guess cancer has formed in the lining of my small intestine.
Friends, Family and Memories of Howard Ahner
Tennis Instructors - Jim Suzuki and Howard Ahner 1975
Front Yard, 301 N. Bewley, Santa Ana, California 92703
First Grade, R. F. Hazard Elementary, Santa Ana, CA - Jan. 1959
Our Second Date
We lived here for 12 years, and sold it for a profit!
Coach Bill Reynolds, La Quinta High, Westminster, California 1970
Howard Ahner's Merit
One of the first picture business cards.
Young and Old Howard Ahner Slide Show
Posted for Alfonso J. Tabernilla, Drill Sgt. Fort Ord, Company A-Fourth Brigade-2nd Batallion 10-72
Company A, Fourth Brigade, Fort Ord, California October 30, 1972
Gokase Swan
A Comparison of the Lotus Sutra and Other Sutras
Nobeoka Surfing Contest August 23, 2009
Hiphop Nobeoka 2009
Hitotsugaoka Matsuri 2009
Busted Boats in Nobeoka
The Reason For Nobeoka
Whitey Kun!
So, I guess cancer has formed in the lining of my small intestine.
Why cancer?
Hozai Beach
Beach Nobeoka
Birds of Gokase, Nobeoka
Moon Walk 2009 Video
August 13th Adventure
August 13th Adventure: Pics
Global Warming Stopper
Fort Richardson Art Gallery - Howard Ahner
How to attain happiness in this world
Establishment of the Legitimate Teaching for the Protection of the Country
General Stone Tiger
Good Fortune in This Life
Great Evil and Great Good
Happiness In This World
Hell is the Land of Tranquil Light
Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life
How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way Can Attain Buddhahood Through the Lotus Sutra
Jozo and Jogen
King Rinda
Lessening the Karmic Retribution
Letter from Echi
Letter from Sado
Letter of Petition from Yorimoto
Letter to Akimoto
Letter to Domyo Zemmon
Letter to Endo Saemon-no-jo
Letter to Gijo-bo
Letter to Horen
Letter to Ichinosawa Nyudo
Letter to Jakunichi-bo
Letter to Konichi-bo
Letter to Ko-no-ama Gozen


So, I guess cancer has formed in the lining of my small intestine. 



The cancer may soon grow and start to block my intestine.  And, I can feel a lump in my abdomen.  I'm currently taking TS1 which is, I believe, stopping the cancer cells from dividing. My doctor recently suggested that I try CDDP, which is an old drug. The risk is that my kidneys may stop working, and I will need to go to the hospital for a few hours every three days to use a kidney machine for the rest of my life. It seems like quite a risk.  I could also keep taking the TS1 and hope that all will be well.  Either way, I am taking a risk.  Surgery may cause new growths of cancer cells in other areas.  So, I'm going to take a few weeks to decide. *Also, to let you know, I was hospitalized for a week a week ago. My small intestine somehow got bent and the fluids stopped, causing a lot of pain. I was eventually given a pain killer, which felt quite nice, I must say. I soon threw up and things got better. For a few days, I was fed intravenously.  I lost 9 kg, now I'm down to 98 kg.  *How many is that in dog years?* For now, I am feeling just fine as long as I keep taking the pain killers.  Such is life.  I thought I'd let you all know.




Banishment to Sado

On the twelfth day of the ninth month, I incurred the wrath of the government authorities, and I am to leave for the province of Sado on the tenth day of the tenth month of this year.

My original aim in studying was to master the Buddhist teachings, so that I might attain Buddhahood and thereby also save the people to whom I am indebted. I always assumed that, on the path of attaining Buddhahood, one is certain to meet some great trial that will demand of him that he be willing to give up his life; only then can one become a Buddha. And already, just as the sutra states, I have been cursed and vilified, attacked with swords and staves, rocks and tiles, and banished again and again. I therefore believe that I am reading the Lotus Sutra with my entire being. My faith increases all the more and I am confident of my future existence. Should I die, I will surely save each one of you as well.

In India a person called the Venerable Aryasimha was beheaded by King Dammira, and Bodhisattva Aryadeva was murdered by a Brahman. In China, a person called Chu Tao-sheng was banished to Mount Su, and the Learned Doctor Fa-tao was branded on the face and exiled south of the Yangtze River. All these men suffered persecution on account of the virtue of the Lotus Sutra and for the sake of the Buddhist Law.

I, Nichiren, am the son of a chandala family who lived near the seashore in Tojo in Awa Province, in the remote countryside of the eastern part of Japan. To discard my body, which would otherwise decay in vain, for the sake of the Lotus Sutra will be like exchanging rocks for gold. None of you should lament for me. Please convey what I have said to the priest Dozen-bo. I had also thought of writing to the nun of the manor, but because of my present circumstances, she may no longer wish to be reminded of me. Should the opportunity arise, please tell her what I have said.


The tenth month





First G.I. Jacket




SP4 Howard Ahner 1973-75
Fort Ord 1972


Study English with Howard Ahner:

Ahner Eikaiwa in Nobeoka
Nobeoka Shi
English Classes